About AS200936

Guo Chengjie's Experimental Network (AS200936) is operated by Chengjie and located in RIPE. This network supports IPv6 only.

We have an open peering policy. You can peer with us at IXP or manually through tunnels.

AS200936 operates the following prefixes:

Currently, AS200936 includes the following pops:

LocationIPv6 PrefixComment
Tokyo, JP2a0a:6040:d600::/44
Kansas, US2a0a:6040:d610::/48Connected to FOGIXP
London, UK2a0a:6040:d611::/48
Fremont, US2a0a:6040:d612::/48
Connected to FREMIX
Frankfurt, DE2a0a:6040:d614::/48Connected to Pigeon IX
HK SAR2a0a:6040:d615::/48
Bissen, LU2a0a:6040:d616::/48
New York, US2a0a:6040:d617::/48

AS200936 IPv6 Route Propagation


Operator: Chengjie Guo
Mail: [email protected]
Postal Address: PO BOX 62-02, Shanghai, China

Contact me